Bairnsdale Fly Fishers Club

The Bairnsdale Fly Fishers Club was established in 1967 to promote the sport of Fly Fishing and provide an opportunity for men and women in East Gippsland to enjoy this sport together and develop their skills.

We have a number of very experienced fly fishers in the club who are keen to impart their knowledge in all aspects of fishing, fly tying and stream craft and the Club operates a Lodge on the Mitta Mitta river for Members and their guests to ply their craft in excellent conditions.

The Club runs a number of competitions during the season and these include Lake Eucumbene and Western Victorian Lakes trips. We are affiliated with the Council of Victorian Fly Fishing Clubs.

New members are welcomed, the Club meets 2nd Wednesday of Month at 7 p.m. upstairs at the Bairnsdale Club, Nicholson Street, Bairnsdale. (or Rear Entrance behind Cheap as Chips)

The Club Secretary may be contacted by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office desk


The Club acknowledges Sport and Recreation Victoria through the COUNTRY ACTION GRANT SCHEME for the funding to originally set up this website in 2013. In 2024 with the assistance through the Victorian Government STRONGER FISHING CLUBS GRANT SCHEME the Club was provided with funds to completely update the site with the latest software and security systems.

Member's login