Solar Power

The Club originally made application for a grant under the EAST GIPPSLAND SHIRE GRANTS PROGRAM 2013/2014, and we were pleased to receive funding towards the purchase and installation of Solar Powered Inverter equipment for the Mitta Lodge under the Community Environment and Sustainability section. This application was made in consideration of the environment in providing an alternative low carbon power source for the operation of the water pump and some lighting, minimising the need to run the petrol-powered generator during daylight hours. 

In May 2022 The Club was advised that our application for a grant under the EAST GIPPSLAND SHIRE COMMUNITY PROJECTS ROUND 2 GRANTS 2021/2022 was successful. The funding was for a major upgrade of our Solar System at the Lodge.

The power output of the new system was expected to cut the generator use by up to 75%. This will totally eliminate the use of the generator in daylight hours and minimise the running of the generator at night. The doubling and upgrade of the Solar Panels and different placement will provide more generation to charge the 2 new 120AMP Lithium batteries.

The new Solar system will provide all power required to pump water to enable cooking & dishwashing, showering and flushing of toilet, during the day and through the night after the generator is shut off for the operation of appliances, importantly Sleep Apnea (CPAP) machines, and charging of Mobile Phones, which up to now has not been possible without having to run the petrol powered generator. 

The Club's contribution to the project including in kind labour was approximately 50%, however the Shire's contribution enabled us to embark on a project which would have been out of reach without the grant.

Unfortunately during 2023 the system went down, the increased capacity was too much for the old Controller & Inverter equipment to handle and we were fully reliant on the Generator. An application was made through the Victorian Government STRONGER FISHING CLUBS GRANT for funding for 2 new Solar Converters and a new Solar Inverter and ancillary equipment to get our Solar System up and running again. We were advised in April 2024 that a grant of $2600 had been awarded for this work the Club’s contribution $880 being part cost of labour required for the project. This equipment has now been fully installed and is meeting all expectations. The ease of operation is a big advantage for all members and guests. The use of the generator has been reduced considerably.


The Club acknowledges Sport and Recreation Victoria through the COUNTRY ACTION GRANT SCHEME for the funding to originally set up this website in 2013. In 2024 with the assistance through the Victorian Government STRONGER FISHING CLUBS GRANT SCHEME the Club was provided with funds to completely update the site with the latest software and security systems.

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