Club Membership
Enquiries are welcome from persons who are active fly fishers or those keen to learn the art of fly fishing,
Prospective members must complete a membership form and be nominated and seconded by a member.
This form shall be advertised in the next two Club Newsletters.
The applicant must attend 3 meetings.
The person will be accepted at the third meeting if approved by a majority of members at that meeting.
Nomination Fee $80 - Annual Subs $100
Juniors no Nomination Fee - Annual Subs $15
Enquiries may be directed to the Secretary at
Club Conduct
As a member of the Bairnsdale Fly Fishers Club you are expected to conduct yourself in a sportsman like and gentlemanly manner and observe fishing regulations and Club rules.
Litter is to be properly disposed of and private property respected.
The V F F A. commenced in 1902 and was reformed in 1932. The objectives of the VFFA are:-
- The cultivation of the art of fly fishing,
- The propagation and protection of trout suitable for Victorian waters and conditions,
- The stocking and effective management of waters suitable for trout,
- The promotion of activities which improve fly fishing,
- Co-operation with any body or person for the furtherance of the above objectives:
Monthly meetings are held at the Kelvin Club, Melbourne Place (off Russell St), Melbourne, at 8 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month and visitors from Bairnsdale are very welcome.
Bairnsdale Fly Fishers Club was a branch of the V F F A. for 20 years.
The Council's main aim is to protect Victoria's trout fishery and promote goodwill and friendship between fly fishermen.
The Council holds regular meetings with the Fisheries Victoria. They work in close cooperation with the Victorian Piscatorial Council.
Membership of the Council is limited to Fly Fishing Clubs; individuals are not permitted to join. Nearly all fly fishing clubs in Victoria are
members, including ourselves and V F F A.